Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range
Dr Karni Singh Shooting Ranges complex was built for 9th Asian Games and was named in the honour of Maharaja Dr. Karni Singh Ji of Bikaner who was first Arjuna awardee in Shooting (1961).
- High degree of precision in construction to obtain certification from International Sport Shooting Federation.
- Existing ranges had to be demolished and rebuilt with increased capacity due to limited area and environmental concerns to meet with the requirement of international standards.
- A final range was also constructed for the first time in the country to hold the finals of shooting events at one place on the lines of latest international developments.
- The final range capable of converting from a fully air-conditioned 10 M range to non-air conditioned 25 & 50 M ranges within ten Minutes.
- Fully covered 10 m range with 80 firing points.
- 25 M range with 50 firing points.
- 50 M range with 80 firing points
- A final range having 10 firing points each for 10 M, 25 M & 50 M range. The 10 m. range area is air conditioned which can be enclosed with a foldable wall to separate it from 25 m and 50 m range areas.
- 6 nos. composite Trap & Skeet ranges.
- New Armory Building.
- Entire 10 m range and the lounges of other ranges are air conditioned.
- Fire alarm system
- Centralized PA system
- Sports Lighting
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Website Managed by Sports Authority of India
Last Updated On: 14th July,2021
Website Managed by Sports Authority of India
Last Updated On: 14th July,2021